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The police don't investigate anything!! The ex fiance wouldn't be allowed to have anything to do with the case because he was a passenger in the car. I really lost interest when he killed the victim's wife while his ex girlfriend was upstairs. I was waiting for dinner while watching otherwise I would have found something else to do!! As pointed out by another reviewer marks on the passengers would reveal what side of the car they were actually on. The other car had hit a parked car, why didn't they charge the owner of the parked car with something!! It would make about as much sense!! Attorney Daniel Hackett Jason-Shane Scott is about to be appointed to a state judgeship in a move that could clear his way to run for governor of New York this is set in Buffalo, which makes me wish Charles had been there with me, if only to clue me in on how much Buffalo has changed since he spent a good chunk of his childhood there but is warned by Harold Barnes Gerald Webb, an African-American but one of Barack Obama's color and bald, so you really have to look hard to realize he's Black that the appointment would be canceled if he got involved in a scandal. We'd also been given a scene establishing that Joseph and his wife May Valynn Turkovich are expecting their first child - and May had a miscarriage the year before like so many other Lifetime women before her! May's pregnancy survives the accident but not by much, and after she loses this child too she swears revenge against Jenny for having killed not only her husband but her last chance to be a mother. Jenny finds herself in a Kafka-esque situation in which her boss fires her from her nursing job and her best friend, Rosa Harris Kara Buckleyis threatened with eviction herself for having taken Jenny in following her moving out of Daniel's place following the accident. While she was still unconscious, Daniel had concocted a plot to blame her for the accident, moving her from the passenger's to the driver's seat and planting her fingerprints on the steering wheel so he could say that she had been driving and therefore he wasn't to blame for the fatal crash. Instead the plot takes several melodramatic turns and the film becomes a virtual encyclopedia of almost everything that can go wrong with a Lifetime movie, including the villain showing a combination of almost supernatural power and willful stupidity. Though this isn't by far the worst film I've seen on Lifetime either, it is a rather disappointing one given that it had the potential to be considerably better than it is. No politics, no social agendas, just entertainment.

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